Newsletter February 2025

Stepping out

One day Jesus sent His disciples ahead of Him, while He withdrew alone to a mountain to pray (Matthew 14:22).  As they crossed the Sea of Galilee, a fierce storm arose.  The waves were so high that the disciples feared for their lives.  Then suddenly a figure appeared in the distance, walking on the water.  Their immediate conclusion was, “It is a ghost!”  So they feared even more.

     Often, when we don’t understand what is happening around us, we panic.  Instead of looking to God, we focus on our seemingly insurmountable circumstances.  As fear takes over, we fail to see God’s hand in our adversity.  We forget God’s promise that He will always be with us, even when we go through the flood or fire (Isaiah 43:2).  He will protect us and see us through every trial; and we will come out stronger than before as long as we put our trust in Him (James 1:2-3).

     Jesus revealed Himself to the disciples, saying, “It is I; do not be afraid.” (Matthew 14:27)  While the others still remained in awe at the sight of Jesus walking on the waves, Peter immediately called out to Him, “Lord, if it is You, command me to come to You on the water.”  And Jesus responded by inviting Peter to come to Him.  So Peter stepped out of the safety of the boat and walked towards Jesus – on the very waves he had feared would destroy Him. 

     When our spiritual eyes are focused on Jesus, the apparent perils simply fade away in the brightness of His glory and power.  Our circumstances may not change – at least not instantly – but Jesus’ invitation to look to Him, to trust in His Word, dispels every fear.  As Peter walked towards Jesus, however, his eyes began to turn back onto the waves and straight away he began to sink.  In his despair, he cried out to Jesus, “Lord, save me!”  And immediately Jesus stretched out His hand and caught him, and said to him, “O you of little faith, why did you doubt?”

     God expects us to trust Him.  He expects us to believe His Word more than what we see around us.  We can receive nothing from Him but by faith.  He wants to help us; He wants to see us through.  But will we believe?

     Peter’s excursion on the water ended favourably.  Even as He doubted for a moment, Jesus stretched out His hand and lifted Him up.  God wants to teach us to trust.  Only then can we walk into the unknown.  He has prepared the way before us.  He has great things in store for us, but will we step out of our comfort to enter into His purpose for our lives?

     Of all the disciples in the boat, only one walked on the water: Peter.  He was the only one who challenged Jesus to challenge Him.  The others missed out, while they remained in the apparent safety of the boat.  All they could do was to observe and marvel. 

     What about you?  Will you watch while others leave familiar territory and enter into their calling, or will you step out into yours?  Will you focus on the storms around you, or will you look to Jesus, the author and finisher of your faith? (Hebrews 12:2)  Will 2025 be a year of new things in God or will it just bring you more of the same?  It depends on you.  Why not challenge Jesus to challenge you?  And then step out into your miracle!   

Pastor Konrad

1 Woodhouse Road, Mansfield, Nottinghamshire, NG18 2AD